
Monday 29 April 2013

Economic INdia

Indus valley civilization, which flourished between 2800 BC and 1800 BC, had an advanced and flourishing economic system. The Indus valley people practiced agriculture, domesticated animals, made tools and weapons from copper, bronze and tin and even traded with some Middle East countries. 

Agriculture was the main economic activity of the people in the Vedic age but with the second urbanization a number of urban centers grew in North India. This gave a major fillip to trade and commerce. The ancient Indians had trade contacts with far off lands like the Middle East, the Roman Empire and the South East Asia. Many Indian trading colonies were settled in other countries.

Most of the Indian population resided in villages and the economy of the villages was self-sustaining. Agriculture was the predominant occupation of the populace and satisfied a village's food necessities. It also provided raw materials for industries like textile, food processing and crafts. Besides farmers, other classes of people were barbers, carpenters, doctors, goldsmiths, weavers, etc. In towns and urban centers trade took place through coins but in villages barter was the main system of economic activities.

The system of castes and sub-castes ensured division of labor and functioned much like guilds, providing training to apprentices. The caste system restricted people from changing ones occupation and aspiring for an upper caste's lifestyle. Traditionally, there was joint family system and the members of a family pooled their resources to invest in business ventures.

Products like the muslin of Dhaka, calicos of Bengal, shawls of Kashmir, textiles and handicrafts, agricultural products like pepper, cinnamon, opium and indigo were exported to Europe, Middle East and South East Asia in return for gold and silver.

With the coming of Europeans in the 16th century trade and commerce was completely transformed. The Europeans concentrated mainly on spices, handicrafts, cotton clothes, indigo etc. Of all the European powers the British proved most strong and drove their competitors out of India. Slowly and gradually the British acquired political supremacy and hold over India and subverted the Indian economy according to their own needs. With the establishment of British rule in India the drain of wealth from India began. There was poor industrial infrastructure when the British left India.

After independence, India opted for planned economic development. The key concern was to develop thrust and heavy industries. With this there began rapid industrialization. Here, it is important to note that our economic policies were socially oriented and controlled by the state. India began to follow a mixed economy pattern. But in the late eighties and in the beginning of the 1990s, the Indian policy makers realized that state controlled economy was not able to produce desired results in almost 45 years. It was decided to pursue economic policy based on liberalization, privatization and globalization. In this era of liberalization, privatization and globalization, India has witnessed rapid growth in some sectors of economy, even though better results were expected when India began to follow the new economic policy.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Lord Rama (Tribal hero of ancient India)

Rama is said to 

have taken birth on 

earth to annihilate 

the evil forces of 

the age. He is 

widely believed to 

be an actual 

historical figure - a 

"tribal hero of ancient India" - whose exploits form the great Hindu epic of RAmayana 

Rama, the perfect avatar of the Supreme Protector Vishnu, is an all-time favorite among Hindu deities. The most popular symbol of chivalry and virtue, Rama - in the words of Swami Vivekananda - is "the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband, and above all, the ideal king."

Rama is a seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu in Hinduism, he is a king of Ayodhya  his father name is Dashrath and Dashrath has a four wife and Four Sons Rama is a elder son of all of and he is a called  simple and Maryadapurusotam man in eleventh century.  

King Dashrath (Father Of Rama ) Promised to his wife kaosalya to get anything for him and she had  said that his son (bharat) is become a king of Ayodhya and rama went to jungle for fourteen year and king Dashrath (Father of Rama)Order rama to went to Jungle.

Ram's life and journey is one of perfect adherence to dharma despite harsh tests of life and time. He is pictured as the ideal man and the perfect human. For the sake of his father's honour, Ram abandons his claim to Kosala's throne to serve an exile of fourteen years in the forest...... .........


Tuesday 23 April 2013

Jalandhar beach in DAMAN

The beach named after the Demon Jalandhar is without any doubt one of the most beautiful, and unflustered. The water is calm and clear and without any undercurrents. It is bereft of the usual hustle bustle associated with any sunshine beach. 

A small memorial is located at one of the hills close to the beach containing a stone face of the demon Jalandhar. Legend has it that the head was severed by the Sudarshan Chakra of Lord Vishnu. 

A temple dedicated to Goddess Chandrika is also located in the vicinity. The beauty of the beach has been further enhanced by developing the area through beautification and Illumination.

Friday 19 April 2013



The peace-loving deity of the Hindu Trinity, Vishnu is the Preserver or Sustainer of life with his steadfast principles of order, righteousness and truth. When these values are under threat, Vishnu emerges out of his transcendence to restore peace and order on earth.

His ten avatar sare Matsyavatara (fish), Koorma (tortoise), Varaaha (boar), Narasimha (the man lion), Vaamana (the dwarf), Parasurama (the angry man), Lord Rama (the perfect human of the Ramayana), Lord Krishna (the divine diplomat and statesman), and the yet to appear 10th incarnation called the Kalki avatar.

In his commonest form, Vishnu is portrayed as having a dark complexion – the color of passive and formless ether, and with four hands.

(1)  Matsya the fish

In the earliest yuga (era) of Sata-yuga, a king named Manu was performing severe penance for thousands of years. One day as he was performing ablutions with river water, a small fish came into his hands and just as he was about to throw the fish back into the river, the fish requested the king to save its life. Heeding its request, the king put the fish into a jar of water but the fish started growing and the jar was not big enough for it. Then the king threw it into the river, but it soon it outgrew the river and the king then threw it into Ganges and then into the ocean. The king realised that it was Lord Vishnu himself and then the lord made an appearance and made a special request to the king. It predicted that the world would come to an end by a huge flood in seven days and requested the king to build a huge boat and take the seven sages(hermits), seeds of all plants, one animal of each type and told him that he would appear as a fish to propel the boat to Mount Himavan for surviving the flood to the next yuga(eon). True to his word, after seven days the Lord appeared and the king tied the boat to the fish by using the royal serpent Vasuki and the fish took all of them to Mt Himavan and kept them there till the flood was over and in the new era, the king started procreation a for the new era.

(2)Kurma  the Tortoise

Further to Pralaya- deluge at the beginning of the present Kalpa the Gods (devas) lost their immortality due to a curse by the short-tempered sage Durvasa.The sage had once presented a garland of flowers to Indra,king of gods, who carelessly gave it away to his elephant which trampled it.  The Devas approached Vishnu for help. Vishnu then asked them to churn the ocean of milk after adding medicines into the ocean. Mt Mandara could be used a the churning stick he said. He requested them to ask them help of Asuras in lifting the mountain in exchange for offer of the share of nectar of immortality that would ensue from the churning. Both the devas and the asuras churned the ocean using the serpent Vasuki as the rope. At the start, playing a Machiavellian trick, Indra, king of the gods asked the asuras for the head end of vasuki. But asuras suspecting foul play, took the head end, only to be deceived as the poison from Vasuki was slowly weakening them. But as churning was proceeding the mountain was sinking and then Lord Vishnu took the form of the tortoise KURMA and kept the mountain afloat. As soon as the bowl of amrita, the nectar of immortality was out, the asuras grabbed it. Then Lord Vishnu took the form of an apsara, a beautiful maiden, and seduced the asuras into letting her distribute the nectar and also to abide by her order of distribution. As soon as the devas were served the maiden disappeared thus totally deceiving the asuras and making them totally weak.

(3)Varaha  (the Boar)

A demon Hiranyaksha, had prayed for Lord Brahma and got awarded a boon that no beast nor man nor god could kill him. But somehow from the list of beasts the name of boar was missing. This proved to be his lacunae. He then started a campaign of plunder across the worlds. He pushed the world to the Pataal loka, or the under of the sea. He stole the Vedas, the holy scriptures from the Lord Brahma, while he was asleep and performed huge atrocities.To retrieve the Vedas and to save the world the Lord Vishnu assumed the role of a boar and brought out the earth from the under of the ocean, using its two tusks. It then killed Hiranyaksha and retrieved the Vedas from the asura and brought it back to the safe custody of the Lord Brahma.

(4)Narashima  (Giant lion-man)

In NARASIMHA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as a semi-man,semi-lion in this world. The king of demons(asuras), Hiranyakasyapu, wanted to become immortal and wanted to remain young forever. To this end, he meditated for Lord Brahma and because of his severe penance, the gods were frightened and asked Brahma to pacify the king. Brahma was impressed by his austerity and granted him a wish. Hiranyakasyapu wished that he be  killed neither by a man or beast, nor in daylight or at night and neither inside or outside a building. Having obtained the wish he considered himself the supreme God and forbade all worship of gods by anyone. But his son Prahlada, was an ardent devotee of Vishnu. This enraged Hiranyakasyapu very much. He ordered numerous ways to kill Prahlada including asking his sister Holika to sit with Prahlada in the fire. But every time Prahlada escaped unhurt. Enraged, once he asked Prahlad to show him the Lord Vishnu. Prahlad said, "He is everywhere". Further enraged, Hiranyakasyapu knocked down a pillar, and asked if Lord was present there. Lord Vishnu then emerged as a half lion, half man from the pillar, and carried him under the arch of the doorway (neither indoors nor outdoors), and the time was evening (in the twilight), neither night nor day. He then killed Hiranyakasyapu with his  claws by keeping him on his thighs (neither on earth nor in the skythus saving the life of his devotee Prahlada.

(5)Vamana  (the dwarf)

vamana avatar
BALI, the grandson of Prahlada was a very valorous and mighty asura. By his penance and might, he conquered the whole world. Indra and other gods fearing that he and the asuras would conquer all the three worlds, went to Lord Vishnu for help. Lord Vishnu was then born as a dwarf Vamana in the household of a brahman priest. He went to Bali on growing up and asked for alms. Bali was delighted to offer him anything he requested even though his royal guru warned him that it was Lord Vishnu. Vamana then requested for the amount of land that could come under his three feet. Bali gracefully agreed. Lord Vishnu then grew in size and covered the earth and heaven in two stride. And due to lack of space, he put his third leg on Bali himself and crushed Bali to the nether or the Patala loka (underground world), thus helping the Gods out.

(6) Parsurama (Rama With The Axe)

In PARASURAMA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as a brahman priest in this world. He was brought in this world to avenge all kshatriyas who had become arrogant and were suppressing the brahmans in the world. He was born with unusual physical power, and became better fighter than any Kshatriya.He was born to Jamadagni and Renuka, and belonged to the Brighu clan. Parashurama was always carrying an axe presented to him by Lord Shiva of whom he was an ardent devotee. Kartavirya a powerful king, once went to Jamadagni's home when he was out, and after a meal, stole the Kamadhenu cow, which was supposed to give endless quantity of milk. Jamadgni was enraged and he went and killed the king and brought Kamadhenu back. On hearing this the son of the king came back and killed Jamdagni. Parasurama was enraged at this and went and avenged the death of his father by killing all kshatriyas in 21 battles. His life is story of the supremacy of brahmans over the kshatriyas.

(7)Shri Rama
Shri Ram

It is the most important Avatar of Vishnu. Rama represents the peak of the historic incarnations, and by him it is defined the ideal character of Indian people.He is Vishnu descended upon earth to conquer all the Indian peninsula, included Sri Lanka, under the Bharata rule. Lord Rama is one of the most adored gods in India. He is always holding a bow and arrow indicating his readiness to destroy evils.His story forms the epic Ramayana. He is perfect in every aspect; the perfect man, the perfect husband, the perfect brother, the perfect king, etc. and the obedient son. Commonly he is pictured in a family style, with his wife Sita, and brother Lakshman.

(8)Shri Krishna 

 KRISHNA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as KRISHNA , the central character in the epic MAHABHARATA. In this biggest epic of Indian mythology a myriad of topics are covered, including war, love, brotherhood, politics etc. It is essentially the story of two warring groups of cousin brothers, the PANDAVAs and the KAURAVAs. As a part of the Mahabahrata, during the war KRISHNA, gives a long discourse to his disciple ARJUNA, collectively termed as Bhagvad-Gita. Krishna, during his child-hood was responsible for the killing of Kansa. Krishna is also considered to be an ultimate playboy who was resonsible for charming all gopikas (cowherdesses) around him. Unlike Ramayana, Mahabharata deals with more down to earth issues like politics, human nature, human weaknesses, and does not attempt to idealise the characters as in RAMAYANA. His death marks the beginning of Kali yuga.


With the departure of Lord Krishna (Krishna Avatar), the Kali yuga set in. In this age, the true devotion to Vedas was replaced by empty rituals.  To enlighten the world, Lord Vishnu descended the earth as Buddha, the enlightened one.

He was born as the crown prince of the Kapilavastu to King  Suddhodana and Maya. He was named Siddhartha, meaning "All thing fulfilled". But his mother died soon after his birth and was broughtup by Prajapati, the sister of Maya. Buddha was saddened by death of living creatures, and vices like poverty. He wasn't happy with any answers that were provided to him and he decided to find out the meaning and the absolute truth and he left his wife and child to a hermit's life in the forest and became the enlightened one.

His preachings spawned off the religion of Buddhism now popular across the whole world.Buddha advocated the Middle Path, in which he offered a balanced, harmonious way of life, steering between two extremes of self-indulgence and total abstinence. Buddhism rests upon four Noble Truths:

(10)Kalki (is believed as the next Avatar of Vishnu)


It is believed that He will appear, riding his white horse and drawing a flaming sword, at the end of the Kali Yuga, the dark age through which we are now passing. His task will be to exterminate the evil and restore the Dharma. Thus will begin a new cycle, starting with the new Satya Yuga.


Wednesday 3 April 2013


The sixth season of the cash-rich Indian Premier League (IPL) will kick off on April 3, 2013. A total of 72 league matches will be played across 12 venues in India.
The opening ceremony of the sixth edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) will be held on Tuesday with what promises to be a glitzy opening ceremony featuring Bollywood stars and international rapper Pitbull.
Flying drummers, Chinese percussionists, fireworks, and some of the biggest film stars in the country, including Shahrukh Khan and Katrina Kaif, will perform at the ceremony at the Salt Lake Stadium.
Never before in cricket has any private tournament been as successful as the IPL and it is expected to be a rollicking affair once again when the nine franchises lock horns for the coveted title.
The Shahrukh Khan-owned Kolkata Knight Riders, the defending champions, have earned the right to host the opening ceremony.

KKR will also host the IPL opener, on Wednesday, when they take on Delhi Daredevils at the Eden Gardens that will also witness the summit clash on May 26.

IPL 2013 Schedule: Match time table with ground details of IPL 6:

Match No.DateTimeTeamsVenue
13.4.1320.00 ISTKolkata Knight Riders vs Delhi DaredevilsEden Gardens, Kolkata
24.4.1320.00 ISTRoyal Challengers Bangalore vs Mumbai IndiansM Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore
35.4.1320.00 ISTSunrisers Hyderabad vs Pune WarriorsRajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium, Hyderabad
46.4.1316.00 ISTDelhi Daredevils vs Rajasthan RoyalsFeroz Shah Kotla, Delhi
56.4.1320.00 IST Chennai Super Kings vs Mumbai IndiansMA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai
67.4.1316.00 ISTPune Warriors India vs Kings XI PunjabMaharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune
77.4.1320.00 ISTSunrisers Hyderabad vs Royal Challengers BangaloreRajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium, Hyderabad
88.4.1320.00 ISTRajasthan Royals Vs Kolkata Knight RidersSawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur
99.4.1316.00 ISTRoyal Challengers Bangalore Vs Sunrisers HyderabadM Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore
109.4.1320.00 ISTMumbai Indian Vs Delhi DaredevilsWankhede Stadium, Mumbai
1110.4.1320.00 ISTKings XI Punjab Vs Chennai Super KingsPunjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali
1211.4.1316.00 ISTRoyal Challengers Bangalore Vs Kolkata Knight Riders M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore
1311.4.1320.00 ISTPune Warriors India Vs Rajasthan RoyalsMaharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune
1412.4.1320.00 ISTDelhi Daredevils Vs Sunrisers HyderabadFeroz Shah Kotla Ground, Delhi
1513.4.1316.00 ISTMumbai Indians Vs Pune Warriors IndiaWankhede Stadium, Mumbai
1613.4.1320.00 ISTChennai Super Kings Vs Royal Challengers BangaloreMA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai
1714.4.1316.00 ISTKolkata Knight Riders Vs Sunrisers HyderabadEden Gardens, Kolkata
1814.4.1320.00 ISTRajasthan Royals Vs Kings XI Punjab Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur
1915.4.1320.00 ISTChennai Super Kings Vs Pune Warriors IndiaMA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai
2016.4.1316.00 ISTKings XI Punjab Vs Kolkata Knight RidersPunjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali
2116.4.1320.00 ISTRoyal Challengers Bangalore Vs Delhi DaredevilsM Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore
2217.4.1316.00 ISTPune Warriors India Vs Sunrisers HyderabadMaharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune
2317.4.1320.00 ISTRajasthan Royals Vs Mumbai IndiansSawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur
2418.4.1320.00 ISTDelhi Daredevils Vs Chennai Super KingsFeroz Shah Kotla Ground, Delhi
2519.4.1320.00 ISTSunrisers Hyderabad Vs Kings XI PunjabRajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium, Hyderabad
2620.4.1316.00 ISTKolkata Knight Riders Vs Chennai Super KingsEden Gardens, Kolkata
2720.4.1320.00 ISTRoyal Challengers Bangalore Vs Rajasthan RoyalsM Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore
2821.4.1316.00 ISTDelhi Daredevils Vs Mumbai IndiansFerozeshah Kotla Ground, Delhi
2921.4.1320.00 ISTKings XI Punjab Vs Pune Warriors IndiaPunjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali
3022.4.1320.00 ISTChennai Super Kings Vs Rajasthan RoyalsMA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai
3123.4.1316.00 ISTRoyal Challengers Bangalore Vs Pune Warriors IndiaM Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore
3223.4.1320.00 ISTKings XI Punjab Vs Delhi DaredevilsPunjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali
3324.4.1320.00 ISTKolkata Knight Riders Vs Mumbai IndiansEden Gardens, Kolkata
3425.4.1320.00 ISTChennai Super Kings Vs Sunrisers HyderabadMA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai
3526.4.1320.00 ISTKolkata Knight Riders Vs Kings XI PunjabEden Gardens, Kolkata
3627.4.1316.00 ISTRajasthan Royals Vs Sunrisers HyderabadSawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur
3727.4.1320.00 ISTMumbai Indians Vs Royal Challengers BangaloreWankhede Stadium, Mumbai
3828.4.1316.00 ISTChennai Super Kings Vs Kolkata Knight RidersMA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai
3928.4.1320.00 ISTDelhi Daredevils Vs Pune Warriors IndiaChhattisgarh International Cricket Stadium, Raipur
4029.4.1316.00 ISTRajasthan Royals Vs Royal Challengers BangaloreSawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur
4129.4.1320.00 ISTMumbai Indians Vs Kings XI PunjabWankhede Stadium, Mumbai
4230.4.1320.00 ISTPune Warriors India Vs Chennai Super KingsMaharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune
431.5.1316.00 ISTSunrisers Hyderabad Vs Mumbai IndiansRajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium, Hyderabad
441.5.1320.00 ISTDelhi Daredevils Vs Kolkata Knight RidersChhattisgarh International Cricket Stadium, Raipur
452.5.1316.00 ISTChennai Super Kings Vs Kings XI PunjabMA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai
462.5.1320.00 ISTPune Warriors India Vs Royal Challengers BangaloreMaharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune
473.5.1320.00 ISTKolkata Knight Riders Vs Rajasthan RoyalsEden Gardens, Kolkata
484.5.1316.00 ISTSunrisers Hyderabad Vs Delhi DaredevilsRajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium, Hyderabad
495.5.1316.00 ISTMumbai Indians Vs Chennai Super Kings Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai
505.5.1320.00 ISTRajasthan Royals Vs Pune Warriors IndiaSawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur
516.5.1320.00 ISTKings XI Punjab Vs Royal Challengers BangalorePunjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali
527.5.1316.00 ISTRajasthan Royals Vs Delhi DaredevilsSawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur
537.5.1320.00 ISTMumbai Indians Vs Kolkata Knight RidersWankhede Stadium, Mumbai
548.5.1320.00 ISTSunrisers Hyderabad Vs Chennai Super KingsRajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium, Hyderabad
559.5.1316.00 ISTKings XI Punjab Vs Rajasthan RoyalsPunjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali
569.5.1320.00 ISTPune Warriors India Vs Kolkata Knight RidersMaharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune
5710.5.1320.00 ISTDelhi Daredevils Vs Royal Challengers BangaloreFerozeshah Kotla Ground, Delhi
5811.5.1316.00 ISTPune Warriors India Vs Mumbai IndiansMaharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune
5911.5.1320.00 ISTKings XI Punjab Vs Sunrisers HyderabadPunjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali
6012.5.1316.00 ISTKolkata Knight Riders Vs Royal Challengers BangaloreJSCA International Cricket Stadium, Ranchi
6112.5.1320.00 ISTRajasthan Royals Vs Chennai Super Kings Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur
6213.5.1320.00 ISTMumbai Indians Vs Sunrisers HyderabadWankhede Stadium, Mumbai
6314.5.1316.00 ISTRoyal Challengers Bangalore vs Kings XI PunjabM Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore
6414.5.1320.00 ISTChennai Super Kings Vs Delhi DaredevilsMA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai
6515.5.1316.00 ISTKolkata Knight Riders vs Pune Warriors IndiaJSCA International Cricket Stadium, Ranchi
6615.5.1320.00 ISTMumbai Indians Vs Rajasthan RoyalsWankhede Stadium, Mumbai
6716.5.1316.00 ISTKings XI Punjab Vs Delhi Daredevils HPCA Stadium, Dharamsala
6817.5.1320.00 ISTSunrisers Hyderabad Vs Rajasthan RoyalsRajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium, Hyderabad
6918.5.1316.00 ISTKings XI Punjab Vs Mumbai IndiansHPCA Stadium, Dharamsala
7018.5.1320.00 ISTRoyal Challengers Bangalore Vs Chennai Super KingsM Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore
7119.5.1316.00 ISTPune Warriors India Vs Delhi DaredevilsMaharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune
7219.5.1320.00 ISTSunrisers Hyderabad Vs Kolkata Knight RidersRajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium, Hyderabad
7321.5.1320.00 ISTQualifier 1 (1st vs 2nd)MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai
7422.5.1320.00 ISTEliminator (3rd vs 4th)MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai
7523.5.1320.00 ISTQualifier 2 (Eliminator's winner vs Qualifier 1 loser)Eden Gardens, Kolkata
7626.5.1320.00 ISTIPL 2013 finalEden Gardens, Kolkata