

 “Love” is associated with which of the following games?
(A)  Tennis
(B) Horse riding
(C) Lawn ball
(D) Billiards
Correct Answer:  A.
Which country will host the Commonwealth Games 2014?
(A) Australia
(B) Srilanka
(C) Scotland
(D) Canada
Correct Answer:   C.
The Vrindavan Gardens are located in…
(A) Mathura
(B) Manali
(C) Mysore
(D) Mohali 
Correct AnSwer:   C.

Guwahati High Court is the judicature of
(A) Tripura
(B) Arunachal Pradesh
(C) Assam
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer:   D.
 First China War was fought between
(A)     China and Britain
(B)     China and France
(C)     China and Egypt
(D)     China and Greek 
Correct  Answer:   A.
Each year World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated on
A. May 8                            B. May 18
C. June 8                           D. June 18
Correct Answer:    A.

Durand Cup is associated with the game of ?

A. Cricket                                  B. Football

C. Hockey                                 D. Volleyball 
Correct Answer: B.

 Fastest shorthand writer was

A.  Dr. G. D. Bist                       B.  J.R.D. Tata

C.  J.M. Tagore                        D.   Khudada Khan
Correct Answer:  A.

 Who was the Army Chief of India when it celebrated its first Republic Day?

(A) Sardar Baldev Singh

(B) K.M.Cariappa

(C) Sir Edward Parry

(D) T.W. Elmhirst
Correct Answer:  B.

Golden Temple, Amritsar is India's

A. largest Gurdwara

B. oldest Gurdwara

C. Both option A and B are correct

D. None of the above
Correct Answer:  A.

 The Vallabhai Patel Airport is located at

(A) Ahmedabad

(B) Gandhi Nagar

(C) Aurangabad

(D) Surat
Correct Answer:  A.

 Who was the Prime Minister of India when the 42nd Amendment Bill bringing in the changes in the Constitution was passed?
(A) Lal Bahadur Shastri

(B) Indira Gandhi

(C) V.P.Singh

(D) Rajiv Gandhi

(E) Morarji Desai
Correct Answer:  B.

 2800 BC        Indus Valley Civilization begins in the northwestern region of India
2600 BC        Mohenjo-daro and Harappa phase of the Indus Valley Civilization begins, in Punjab and    Sindh. Other cities like Lothal, Mehrgarh also emerged during this period.
 1600 BC  India is invaded by the Aryans from the west
1400 BC        The Vedas, the Hindu scripture, was written

600 BC           The Upanishads written
599 BC           Mahavira, 24th Tirthankar of Jainism is born
563 BC           Gautam Buddha, founder of Buddhism is born in Lumbini
527 BC           Nirvana of Mahavira
492 BC           Bimbisara dies and is succeeded by Ajatashatru in Magadha Empire
483 BC           Death of Gautama Buddha in Kushinagar
326 BC           Alexander the Great moved into India, King Porus who ruled parts of the Punjab,                      fought Alexander at the Battle of the Hydaspes River.
321 BC           Chandragupta Maurya established Mauryan dynasty defeating Dhana Nanda
305 BC           Chandragupta Maurya defeats Seleucus Nicator of the Seleucid Empire.
300 BC           Chola dynasty establishes his kingdom over southern India with capital in Thanjavur

269 BC           Ashoka the Great, grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, becomes the emperor of India

261 BC           Kalinga War takes place between Magadha Empire and the kingdom of Kalinga.
232 BC           Death of King Ashoka
185 BC           The Mauryan Empire,  collapsed after its emperor Brihadrata was assassinated by his  general Pusyamitra Sunga who then established the Sunga dynas

300                 The Pallava dynasty is established in Kanchi
20                 The Gupta dynasty founded by Maharaja Sri Gupta, reunited northern India initiating the "golden Age" of India
335                 King Samudragupta ascends the Gupta throne and expands the empire.
380                 Chandragupta II, Samudragupta's son becomes the Gupta Emperor.
450                 Invasions by the Huna.
606                 Harshavardhana crowned Monarch.
 712                 First Muslim, Md. Bin Qasim defeats Raja Dahir
 1021              Mahmud Ghazni defeats Tarnochalpal and annexes Punjab
1206              Qutb ub-din Aybak establishes the Delhi Sultanate
1221              Genghis Khan invades Punjab
1236              Razia Sultana, only lady ruler of Delhi
1290             Jalal ud-Din Firuz establishes the Khilji sultanate at Delhi
1298              Marco Polo visits India
1336              Vijayanagara Empire established by Harihara I and his brother Bukka Raya I
1398              Timur conquered India resulting in the decline of the Delhi Sultanate
1469              Birth of Guru Nanak Dev
1497              Vasco de Gama's first voyage from Europe to India and back (to 1499)
1526              Babur established the Mughal Empire
1555              Mughal king Humayun comes to fight Sher Shah and regains India
1556              Humayun dies, and is succeeded by Akbar
1600             Queen Elizabeth I granted a charter to the East India Company established trading posts in Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras
1605              Akbar dies, and is succeeded by his son Jehangir.
1612              British arrives India
1632              Taj Mahal construction initiated by Mughal ruler Shah Jahan
1653              Shah Jahan completes Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan dies, and is succeeded by his son
1675              Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Guru of Sikhs is executed in Delhi. Guru Gobind Singh becomes tenth Guru of Sikhs.
 1680              Shivaji dies at Raigad, Sambhaji became 2nd Chhatrapati of the Maratha Empire
  1707              Death of Aurangzeb the Mughal emperor.
  1757             In Battle of Plassey, Robert Clive, leads British forces which defeated the Mughal
                                  governor of Bengal Mir Jafar
 1774             Warren Hastings appointed the first governor general of India by the East India
 1775              First Anglo-Maratha War
 1799              Death of Tipu Sultan
 1853              Started Post Service
 1853              First Railway established between Bombay and Thane
 1857              Indian Mutiny Rebellion of 1857(10th May)
  1857              Establishment of University of Mumbai, University of Madras and University of   Calcutta  in India
  1858       The British government ruled India, Lord Dalhousie becomes the Governor-General of   India
 1862             Death of Bahadur Shah Zafar
 1869              "Arya Samaj" Established
1876              Queen Victoria was given the title Empress of India by the British Parliament
1885              Burma became an Indian province
 1885              The Indian National Congress was formed (28th December)
  1905              The British government divided Bengal into separate Hindu and Muslim sections
  1909              Morley-Minto Reforms
  1914             World War 1
  1915              Mahatma Gandhi returns back to India
  1919              Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (13th April)
  1920              Mahatma Gandhi became president of Indian National 
                                 Congress, Non-cooperation movement Khilafat Movement
  1927              Simon Commission
  1929              Central Assembly Bombed by Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt.
  1930              Purna Swaraj resolution in Lahore, Salt Satyagraha started
  1931              Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev Martyred (23rd  March)
   1935              Government of India Act
   1939              World War 2 began
  1940              Muhammad Ali Jinnah demanded that a new country be formed from India for the Muslims, which would be called Pakistan
 1942              Quit India Movement
 1942              Indian National Army Established by Subhas Chandra Bose
 1945              World War II ended when United States dropped atomic bombs on       Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August)
 1946              Royal Indian Navy Mutiny
  1946              The British government agreed to grant India independence
  1947             British and Indian leaders agreed to divide the country into India and         Pakistan    
   1947              India became independent (15th August)
  1948              Mahatma Gandhi assassinated Nathuram Godse (30th January)
 1950              Constitution of India came into effect and Jawaharlal Nehru became the Indian first  prime minister (26th January)

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